GIS Solutions
Gain control of your operations with comprehensive NG911 GIS Solutions.
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GIS Solutions
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GIS Takes Center Stage in Public Safety
Geographic Information System (GIS) data has played a role in legacy 911 environments, but it moves to center stage in the NG911 environment, delivering enhanced geospatial data and advanced situational awareness that dramatically increases location accuracy and reduces response times.

Intrado is NG911
If you've moved to NG911, there's a good chance you already have access to Spatial Engine data. Our proprietary Spatial Engine solution powers many regional and statewide NG911 networks, providing combined, authoritative data sources into a consolidated database. When combined with other Intrado solutions, it yields significant workflow enhancements and reduces overspending on unnecessary outside services. Learn how you can leverage your Next-Generation network to transform GIS operations in your PSAP.

Map Your Way to Better GIS with Intrado
Intrado is your strategic partner with a blend of modern technology and expert professional services. Backed by years of experience in both call routing and GIS, Intrado’s portfolio of geospatial technology will help you navigate the terrain with solutions spanning the entire data continuum. Regardless of where you are at with your NG911 transition, we have a solution that meets your needs.

Emergency Data Broker
Emergency Data Broker connects IoT partners directly to 911 centers, creating a new context for new types of responses, and provides even greater situational awareness for first responders. Life-saving data such as floor plans and medical information can be non-verbally communicated instantly.
Learn More about Emergency Data Broker
GIS By the
40+ years
of 911 Innovation and leadership
1,950 PSAPs
use Intrado geospatial solutions
6 Million
mapped U.S. address points